DH may have to travel some for work in the next year. If he has some long-term assignments, I will probably want to take the opportunity to go along and have the kids see the sights in the area for cheap. If we do that, then we would have to pull DS4 out of kindergarten to go with us.

I'm not sure whether we'd just pull him out completely and homeschool him or take a leave of absence and take work from the school along with us. Some of that depends on how long the trip is, I suppose. We certainly wouldn't prioritize something like Disneyland above school, as some people around our area do! That always bothers me! But I also can't see allowing half-day kindergarten to be a reason to keep the family from going to some fabulous location with lots of opportunities for learning either.

I admit I am partly influenced by the fact that when I was a kid, I got to go to France for a month on an exchange program (with schoolwork assigned and a state-certified teacher who accompanied us to be sure we had help if we needed it). My English teacher wanted to stand in the way of this FABULOUS learning opportunity. She actually told me "You can't go. You can't miss my class." My mom--a teacher herself--was never one to get nasty with/about teachers, but that was as close as I ever saw her get. When I told her what my teacher said, my mom replied (angrily!), "Oh! You're going! She...!!! <deep breath> Never mind. You don't have to worry about this. I'll take care of it."

Needless to say, I went to France and still got an A (that I deserved!) in my English class... wink
