Some good news to report since we made the decision to homeschool...

DS6 made the decision to go back to his own Sunday School class at church on Sunday and had a blast. The teacher pulled me aside afterwards and told me she didn't know what had happened to DS6, but he was a different child. She said he was relaxed and happy to participate in all the activities that he previously found "boring" or below his level. I think she was more happy than he was because she had been feeling like a failure with him!

He has also been much more compliant with his normal home chores. That may seem like a small victory, but it has been huge for me. I had gotten to the point where I didn't even want to bug him about his chores, because it was like starting a war. Now, he is doing them without complaining. This morning, he even proudly showed me how hard he worked on his bed.

I have to admit that I do feel a little lost, but I am going to meet with a local cirriculum planner to help me get organized. In the meantime, we are exploring whatever comes to mind and seems fun.

DS6 is enjoying this new approach, but when I try to introduce something challenging (writing), he is very resistant and has a lot of negativity. I am hoping (and praying!) that this negativity will pass with more time at home.