Sorry it took me so long to respond but I was working with the women from NM on funding a project to help gifted children in New Mexico. For all the knifes that were thrown on here to her, I wonder why a women like that would keep defending parents on here like she does.
Ok on homeschooling a gifted child at home. In my case unless you were highly educated, home school is a waste of energy on both party's. ( yes my mother had a masters and I was out thinking her at 8) ( I doubt most parents on here have PHD in Gifted Education.) They called me "rain man" for a reason. I work well with numbers and that is how I made my wealth, but now I am working on continuing my education. I have tested out of the first three years of college.( And not by the help of homeschooling) I don't know if most parents know but if you keep reteaching the same information to a gifted "highly" child you will have them start to erase what you are teaching. Our brains do not work with a lot of repetitive information.
Difference with me, reading 2nd grade level at 3 years of age.
Knew my times tables by 3.5 years of age.
Was taught Algebra by my kindergarten teacher. I would have continued with this high level of education, but my mother thought home school was best. WRONG.
I think children should be involved with the process if that is what the parents decide. But that is why I feel so strongly against home schooling.
By the way I met with some of those students that "MS" had talked about. We were all on the same agreement about what our issues where with homeschooling. And everyone of our IQ's were OUT THE DOOR.