Originally Posted by Austin
Originally Posted by Lori H.
She thinks if he were in school that kids would like him because of his sense of humor. She says she is sure that girls would like him. She said she remembers when she was in middle school that the smart, funny guys sometimes had better looking girlfriends than some of the jocks. But she went to a city school and not a small town sports obsessed school.
Exactly. It works in small towns, too. Girls turn 17 and some start thinking about the real world. Going out every weekend, getting drunk, picking fights, telling the same jokes over and over again, and their jock BF who has no future because he never studies and is actually pretty dull - it gets pretty old. Along comes a kid, destined for college, actually looks beyond her looks and clothes and makes funny stories and makes the world an interesting place. She sees that goofy nerd will be a good looking guy in another year or two. Besides, his comments give her something to laugh about when she is all by herself.
Austin & Lori-
Thanks for your bits of wisdom. My DS10 and I just had this conversation last night regarding his best buddy that "gets all the girls"! I'm going to share this with him so he can hear it from someone other than "just mom". How does that go, "An expert comes from 100 miles away and carries a briefcase." You may not have briefcases, but your my experts!!