I think a keen sense of humour is on a lot of giftedness checklists because a lot of humour relies on the ability to see connections between seemingly disparate things; witty wordplay relies on a capacious vocabulary, while allusive humour relies on a broad enough general knowledge to have something to which to allude!

It's a joke a minute around here, but I just have to share one or two with you:

There's a breakfast cereal in Canada called Shreddies (don't think it's available in the States? but you have something similar--Chex, is it? little woven squares of whole wheat, anyway). Frenchie has been eating this stuff twice daily for over 50 years (shudder), so any news on the Shreddies front is of interest in our household. This last autumn, they had an advertising shtick saying that Shreddies were a new improved diamond shape (rotated the photo on the box)--Diamond Shreddies Good New Exciting, Square Shreddies Bad Old Boring.

All this by way of preamble to 7yo Harpo's joke, that the theme music for Diamond Shreddies should be the Jewel Song from Faust.

Groucho (5) was looking at a Georgia O'Keeffe painting the other day (one of the cattle skull ones), and said, "I know what that cow's name was." "What," say I, "Yorick," says he.

(I think they're really funny, but you can see why the other kids don't get them; I'm afraid that their humour is not really helping them fit in at this point.)

One more funny--this past summer, Harpo kept wandering around saying "these are prime times, yes, sir, these are prime times." I finally asked him what he was on about, and he told me that until Daddy's birthday in the fall, all five of us were prime-number years old, and that he didn't see that this was likely ever to happen again, unless we lived to be really, really old.


PS, landsgenesis2, I see you haven't been around here too long, so welcome from me! Hope you'll enjoy it here--I certainly have. We're glad you're here!