Originally Posted by master of none
Perhaps you could be so bold as to ask if anyone has ever skipped K? These are the questions I asked "I know you have a lot of really bright kids here. How do you usually handle them?" "Do they ever need to skip a grade?" "How would you know?"

Hmm...I'd be careful about phrasing a question this way. It could give the teachers an excuse to say "We don't accelerate and the kids are all fine."

Unless the school abuts a major university, it's highly unlikely that they have a lot of HG+ kids, and the K teachers may never have encountered even one.

I've heard that many teachers hear "my child is gifted" from lots of parents when the child isn't necessarily gifted. The teachers might put you into this category. You don't want to hand them an opportunity to dismiss you.

I don't know how many parents actually make this statement, only that it's claimed to be made often Sometimes I wonder if it's 3 parts urban legend and 1 part truth, or some such lopsided mixture.

(I definitely think the idea to have her tested is really, really good).

Just my 2c!


Last edited by Val; 04/03/09 03:33 PM.