we had ds7 all trained at 2.5 (I thought)! It was great, I remember the day, my DH came home and I was so happy, "He's trained", I whispered. It had been raining and thundering all day.
Well, DS went on the potty all proud wanted to show off to DH..... and wouldn't you know the minute he sat on the potty a huge clap of thunder hit outside with flashy lightening. He would go near the potty for weeks!
So somewhere are 3.5 he was actually trained.....lol
Poor kid! This reminds me of a friend's kid who was finally potty trained when they went somewhere that had automatic flushing toilets. The toilet flushed while she was on it, so she refused to go anywhere but at home for about a year. Note: you can stick a post-it note or a little bit of toilet paper over the "eye" so that it won't automatically flush. Highly recommended for those newly potty-trained kids!