I have two with strong wills DD8 and DD4. I'm certainly not an expert since the school did most of the work; however, we had problems with transition to home with both girls. With DD8 it was a pure fight, kicking, screaming to put her on the potty. We finally took the pullups and she had some accidents and then it was good. With DD4 we didn't have kicking and screaming, she just wouldn't go potty often for us at home, she'd wait for about 5 minutes after trying and then go in the pullup. The added bonus with her was that instead of merely takign the pullups away we had to hide them where she could not get them otherwise she would go put one on herself to go potty. If I recall this was all +/-3 yo. I don't remember exactly, CRS on dates.....Also, DD4 was pretty stubborn in holding #2 for the hope of finding a pullup, luckily no infections
(groan) I'm so sorry to read this! Must have been hard. It does make me feel better, though. I'd bet you a dollar our DD would be using the potty at school and not at home, too.
I think she's just determined to be in control of exactly when and how she is a baby and when and how she is a big girl. It's kind of fascinating to watch, once I stand back and stop feeling emotional about it, like I'm failing.
Now we are doing a lot of role playing with her baby dolls, and I'm making sure she knows how to dress and undress herself, thanks to suggestions from this thread. We are also having conversations about what a baby is able to do compared with a big girl. Big girls, for example, have teeth to eat jelly beans after they use the potty, unlike babies. That makes the gears turn in her head, lol.
As for the "furt" ... DH and I have a few other choice terms for that.

In our household, the F word for gas is banned, in favor of the word "gas" for both ends of the digestive tube. I'm hoping that takes the forbidden-fruitishness out of using it - for awhile at least.
Thanks, all. You can't imagine how often I think of your stories as I am changing my DD's diapers. lol