Hi Gtc, our psych mentioned Cogmed in passing so it appears legit. He hasn't finished ds' write up yet so no firm diagnosis of anything yet, but low psi to be sure. It's funny, he's not always slow, so there are still questions in my mind too about boredom, etc. Your district has a hard cut off for gt eligibility, or are you not sure? Ours seems a little flexible at least, I have made a couple of calls on it. They are surprisingly forthcoming with info, too. If they seriously consider creativity and reading level, ds might still be found eligible. Also, in light of the psi thing, the person I chatted with said a 'child study' could be done to better understand any gt/ld educational needs. She said, 'this stuff can be complex'. Anyway that was encouraging for me and I wanted to share in case you have other avenues you could pursue within the schools. Please keep writing, I am interested to hear more...:)