Originally Posted by Tiz
Love the suggestion to limit reading material to historical texts etc - very sensible and not something that I would have thought of!

JJsMom - so pleased to hear that someone else FEELS the pain! LOL We are in a small house so every noise is magnified and DH and I tiptoe around after 8pm (if we even so much as close the cupboard too noisely DS shouts down!)

Ebeth, 30 minutes of snuggle time sounds good and I wonder if that might reset my DS - I am just worried that I will fall asleep smile It sounds like you have your bedtime routine well and truly sorted!

Be glad you don't live near a train track then. We do. It's not always noticeable when there is noise inside the house, BUT of course, it's not loud in the house when my two SHOULD be sleeping! haha.