Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
Originally Posted by Kriston
A lot of people would disagree with us on this though, KM. Or at least would worry about making someone mad if they did it. That's never happened to me--at least not to my face! (Knock on wood...)

I always figure that I'm not doing anyone any good if I hold kids to significantly lower standards than I'd hold adults to. I know that they're learning, and I'm fine with their not being perfectly behaved. It's a process. But how will they learn if no one ever tells them that rude behavior is not okay? And what am I teaching *my* kids if they see me accepting blatantly rude behavior toward us?

At least that's my reasoning...

Ii can be a catch 22 for me b/c sometimes I just react. But it is hard to find a line b/c DD questions why others are allowed to get away with things and not her. Today at lunch this toddler who was younger then her was allowed to walk around the whole place and DD was upset. Why does that kid get to and not me? I had to explain to her that the other child has not been taught to behave properly but she has and she knows better.

I am sure just as much as I am appalled by my friends' kids behavior they probably think I am to hard on my DD or expect too much from her. I try to keep my expectations in mind when around the other kids but sometimes I can't help but question the behavior when it is something that I would not tolerate from DD.

My mom always used the "if so and so jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you follow?" I say the same as you and let them know how other people also love that they are so well behaved. smile