Hi, welcome to the board. I really don't know much about cerebral palsy, but wanted to at least welcome you.
Nor am I an expert with score interpretation - far from it, but "Verbal IQ--135" sounds like it is in the range considered gifted.

I wanted to throw out these links, in case you have not already found them - seems to be some good info and resources for helping prepare for interviewing, finding employers who understand reasonable accomodation, etc.

Several articles, one at least lists implications of cp for employment as a subject.

This one might be really obvious, but posting it just in case.

You seem to write very clearly, good expression, I am certain that this at least indicates that there are some jobs out there that could work for you (and vice versa). What do you want to do?

Last edited by chris1234; 03/02/09 01:04 PM. Reason: typo