Regarding what Austin highlighted above, my DS4 has recently developed such a close, intimate friendship with a boy at his preschool/daycare that it's making me feel bad for enrolling him in kindergarten early. He'll start kindy next fall, while his friend will stay in preschool. I never imagined I'd have to worry about friends he'd be leaving behind at this age, but these two 4 year old boys make me think of 9 year old girls, the way they giggle at their own inside jokes and seem to be in their own little world whenever they're together. My son is already dreaming about sleep overs, and he's just barely 4. I've wondered if giftedness could explain this, but I have no reason to believe that his friend is gifted.
Even if your ds doesn't have any issues making new friends in the new school, I would make an effort to keep these two guys in contact - it sounds really nice!