This is such an interesting topic. DH and I grew up in large families with middle class parents. I was never pushed but I was allowed to pursue my own interests with encouragement. Looking back, I was lazy in ways, when a topic didn't interest me. I felt I wasn't challenged in a mainstream classroom and school was a boring experience for the most part. I finally felt challenged in college, but I had developed poor study habits.

Now I see DD8 with same "lazy" tendencies and due to my baggage I am more sensitive to this. I want her to work hard, do things that may be challenging to her, but engaging at the same time. In recent discussion with her teacher, she was surprised DD likes to do her Challenge math book at home (we do the middle school one) and what our district covers in 4th grade is much less challenging. At school she does what is asked, but often dreads some of the work...

It's interesting to see everyone's experiences and how they influence our view of our children's education. DH was in gifted classes from elementary school and did very well. Our school district does enrichment, which may or may not for gifted children. DD gets small group enrichment, but it's only two days a week.