Each of the above terms used to describe giftedness, to me at least, seems to often be used interchangeably. I see no difference. Can someone more learned than I in this subject matter, for my own clarification, help me to understand how the two are distinguishable?

Does academic giftedness differ from intellectual giftedness in that one can be intellectually gifted but not academically motivated to perform well academically, whereas one who is considered academically gifted may not be intellectually gifted?

The intellectually gifted can also be academically gifted but the academically gifted, try as he or she might, cannot become intellectually gifted. Would it be in that sense that there is a distinction made between being a high-achiever and a motivated individual who is just not cable to perform as well as he or she would like?

Last edited by landsgenesis2; 02/26/09 02:04 PM.