Sounds like my DS too. Since the main sympton of autism is not interaction w/people and not being social I guess we should have known not to worry. My son also very social, I dont get why that was never brought up. No one asked us "is he friendly is he social". He didn't look the therapist in the eye that day and he didn't point for her, oh and he was fixated on a puzzle, she thought that was not good like he was lost in the puzzle. I feel they were quick to label and didn't really test my DS just assumed he is not talking something is wrong.
Maybe better safe than sorry give all the services it can't hurt. But of course we worried for nothing.
Oh and a medical dr a phychiatrist did not make the same conclusion, and for him when he saw my DS do a puzzle he said "oh he can do that" and that was almost enough for him to say there is nothing wrong. So that did relieve us.
But 2 completely diff feelings about the puzzle , so weird.