Hi Keet. As an OT I can say that I agree wholeheartedly with Lori - you don't want an OT who is not enthusiastic about working with your son. Chances are if the OT wants to discharge him from services it's because she a)feels his skills are good enough, b) doesn't have time on her schedule and needs to discharge some to make room for others she perceives as needier, c)doesn't know what else to do with him to treat or resolve the issue or d)all of the above. In any case, forcing her to continue working with him when she wants to discharge him is not likely to be good for him. He's not likely to make progress and probably won't have fun in OT.

Now, as far as "does OT work on handwriting speed" - the answer to that depends on the OT. Some interventions are better than others, so it depends on what the OT is trained in and uses in treatment. My experience is that speed of handwriting it typically linked to praxis or motor planning issues. It's the mechanics of handwriting including the formation of the letters and spacing, organization, etc that don't come easily and automatically which slows down handwriting. Handwriting becomes fast when the process is automatic and fluid. In order to build fluidity in handwriting you need to address the underlying neurological skills of timing, sequencing, visual-motor integration and bilateral coordination.

Activities like Lori suggests are good ones for addressing those issues - video games, especially ones like Guitar Hero that require timing and rhythm; musical instruments; practice with music (Handriting Without Tears has songs as do some other programs); sports activities, especially those with repetitive movements such as ping-pong or basketball (dribbling, shooting drills). You could also check out Interctive Metronome at www.interactivemetronome.com and see if there is a provider near you. I use IM in treatment and it almost always increases ease and speed of handwriting - it addresses those underlying skills of timing and sequencing. It doesn't increase legibility, though!

Hope that helps. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you might have about IM or OT.