I had never heard of dysgraphia until a couple of days ago, so I'm really behind the 8 ball on this one. But in reading about it last night, it does sound a lot like her, especially the part that says they can write really well for a short while such as during spelling tests, but it is hard for them to do for very long. I will definitely have the psychologist address this next Month. I do hope that this does not shut the door on a grade skip for us - it's probably impossible if she can't pass the CBE tests this summer which will require some writing.

If dysgraphia is her problem, then I'm really mad at the first grade teacher who made her miss a lot of recess when she didn't want to write her spelling words in "rainbow colors" (words that were ridiculously simple - a pointless exercise for her). I didn't find out about recess until later, either - I seem to be getting caught off guard on a lot. I feel really terrible about that.

Is dysgraphia more of a brain issue or a muscular issue? I wonder if having such a delayed bone age would also impact the muscular development? Her bone age is 4.5 - almost 5 SD low for her chronological age. Maybe this is just a separate problem. We will not get any test results for her growth problems until later this month. People think she is a 6yo when the see her. This ride is getting wilder all the time...

Master of none, I would love to hear more about your experiences.