mjb... you bring up some great questions and ones I am trying to figure out with just a toddler. Hope I have it down when she starts school. LOL I have three categories: family, friends, and 'the moms'. And even in those categories you have to consider the audience. I have my really close friend that has an older daughter that is HG+ so I can talk openly with her and she is a great sounding board. Then I have my friends that play the 'One Up' game which is so annoying. Immediate family is fine but when you get into the extended family I just don't say all that much b/c competition is riding under the surface. And then you get to 'the mom' category which you are talking about and I find it is easiest just to keep my mouth shut. If they notice something I play dumb or blow it off or redirect the question back to their child. So I am sure when school starts I am really going to have to rethink my method. It really is a no win battle. If you do go into details in a hopes to educate them you will sound like the pushest mom and be the topic of their conversations. If you ignore the questions and be vague then you clearly think your child is so much better then everyone else's kid. I wish there was a magic phrase that takes care of it all but it just depends on the situation and who you are talking with. Chances are the mom that starts the conversation assumed their kid was the most advanced child and had a rude wake up when your kid entered the picture so you are probably dealing with a 'One Up' individual and no matter what you say it won't win them over. [sigh] It never is easy.