
This is excellent food for thought - thanks! Interesting that your kids are quite different LOG - we have sort of assumed that our DD3 is nowhere near DD4, and that she'll probably be fine in reg. ed. Kindy in 2 years (making our decision on where to place DD4 even tougher). However, DD3 has recently started spontaneously reading the words on DD4's Word Wall - so we started one in her room as well (which she's very excited about!). Thus far, I'd say she's nowhere near DD4 in terms of articulation or vocabulary or critical thinking - but the early reading thing makes her an enigma. :-)

Do your kids have any sibling rivalry over their different LOG?

Obviously, we'll be putting a lot of thought into a possible grade skip - it's not something to be taken lightly (especially considering that DD4's b-day is nowhere near the cutoff). Thanks for providing another perspective!