Well, DS7 started public school K and 1st grade. K was great. 1st was a DISASTER, in no uncertain terms. It was when my GT denial met lousy teacher, producing DS7's massive boredom, frustration and deep unhappiness. frown We pulled him out for "emergency homeschooling." It was so bad, we didn't even schedule meetings or advocate. We just pulled him out.

So at the base, I am not a HSer by philosophy; I am a HSer by necessity. That's why you'll never hear me giving anyone the hardsell on homeschooling. I think it is a valid option, but it is just one option among many. I don't want people to dismiss it as a choice without knowing what they're talking about--there are so many myths and misconceptions out there!--especially when it looks to me like HSing might solve their problems, as it has solved DS7's. But I am not someone who has known since before I had kids that we would homeschool. I still wish public school had been a workable solution for DS7.

As for why we're planning to put DS4 in public school...DS4 is a very different sort of child from DS7. I mean VERY different.

DS7 is HG+, highly logical (Spock Jr.) and clearly academically driven. He's a highly social introvert, but an introvert nonetheless. He's my mini-me, and aside from my regular nagging of him to hurry up and finish his work (*sigh*), he is very easy for me to communicate with because we approach things the same way.


DS4 is a highly social extrovert who has enjoyed pre-K a whole lot more than his big brother ever did. He is HIGHLY emotional, to the point where he cries before he says what's wrong, and he often does better at telling his teachers what's up than he does with me. He likes crowds of people. He is very hard for me to communicate with because we are basically polar opposites in temperament and approach to things. Finally, I'm not sure DS4 is GT at all. He may be ND. (Oh, wouldn't life be simpler if he's ND!) If he's ND, school makes more sense for him and would be my first choice.

Now, with all that said...if DS4 is GT, then I think there's a decent chance that he also has an LD. That would make for a completely different kettle of fish. If the school can't handle DS7, a kid desperate to learn and easy as pie to teach, then a 2E kid is not going to fare well there, I fear. In that case, we'd probably homeschool him or send him to the private GT school in town. But I doubt I'd try to fight the public school system on that one.

My general approach to education is strictly practical: what's the current problem and which approach offers the best solution to that problem? People who are wedded to some specific philosophy risk missing good stuff for their kids because they're not open to it. We're even eclectic homeschoolers!

I always say, this isn't theory, it's practice. I do what works, regardless of what it is!

Does that make sense?
