I'm HSing a 3rd grader and sent my 5yr old to K this year. In my case, I knew I had some issues to deal w/ DS after years in PS and he's not an easy kid anyhow. I knew i couldn't deal w/ all 3 kids (I have a 2yr old) b/c it would have been seen as an extension of summer. Plus, while DS5 is as advanced as DS8 was at the same age, he's much more laid back and really enjoys school. And his K teacher is challenging in some areas. he had started complaining of not learning anything but once he started in reading groups and writing more (he likes to write), he was happy.

I have a friend who started HSing this year and really had a problem from being overextended. I think in most places, there are just so many things you can do, the issue becomes being home enough. My 8yr old doesn't like to be on the go all the time. He loves his time at home to read for hours and build with LEGOs and play on the computer so for us, being home a lot works especially since I have a 2yr old. Once the weather is nice, that will be a different story as we do lots of nature hikes etc.