About 3 years ago, friends of our had just had their third child. When I told my dd (then about 4) what the little baby's name was, her response was, "Hmmm, that's surprising." I didn't know what she meant, and asked her to explain. She replied, "The name doesn't go with their other names. Theirs are all orange and hers is blue." Now, even by dd standards, it was an odd comment to make so I asked her to explain. It turns out the she associates particular letters (and numbers) with different colors and so based on the letters that make up a name or word, there is a prevalent color that she associates with that. I asked her to make out a sheet with all the letters and numbers written out in the colors she sees them in. I thought it was interesting at the time, but then just filed the paper away. About a year and a half later the topic came up again and I asked dd if she still saw colors with her letters and she said yes. I asked her to write them out for me on a sheet of paper and when she was done, I dug the old copy out of the basement and I was stunned at how consistent they were. But, I also know dd has an extraordinary memory, so it could just be that. I really don't think she has synaesthesia, but I do think it's interesting that someone else has experienced this!