Does anyone out there have experience, either personally or through a DC or spouse, with number-color synaesthesia? This is the phenomenon of experiencing numbers to "have" certain colors.

I was stunned this morning to discover that DS4 has very definite color associations for a large array of numbers but that, as he told me, "Some of them haven't been painted yet." I can't quite tell whether this was a genuine sensory phenomenon for him or whether he was making it up, but the number-color associations were constant over the course of the morning, and he seemed to think I was silly to keep asking him what color the various numbers were. ("I already told you, Daddy. Seven is orange!") On the other hand, he has a very good memory, and he could just have been remembering the original (arbitrary) assignments.

I know some about the phenomenon from the psychological and neuroscientific literature, but I've never met someone who really has it. (Though I gather it's more common than you'd think.)
