Originally Posted by Mia
At least the drugged out haze will be put to good use! whistle


LOL! Indeed! That's what I've been saying, too. Never a better time for prescription narcotics!

LMom: I chose a blackberry vodka cocktail and caramel corn--since it was my last time to chew for a while--but I was totally working in that frame of mind. laugh

But seriously, thanks everyone. I needed that. I am more open here than I ever am in real life (except with my DH), and I appreciate the friendship and support you're all giving me. Next week I'll be back to normal. But thanks for letting me be overwhelmed in public. It did me a lot of good.

I'm still crying over my poor, dear cat. I do wish I'd had time to say goodbye. But I couldn't wish a more peaceful death on anyone. He died the way I want to go: old and in my sleep. There are worse things.

I feel a lot better. Thanks for caring. smile
