I agree with Crisc. DYS is worth it!

I worried that we were somehow chasing scores to get him in, and I definitely find that distasteful. Not my style! But there were 2 (well, 2.5) reasons we retested on the WISC: 1) we still didn't really know what LOG he was at, and it kind of mattered for homeschooling, 2) he seemed like a candidate for DYS, as his achievement test scores were well within DYS range and he seemed like a 4 on Ruf's scale, and 2.5) Dr. Amend said we should because the SB-V was not a good fit for him (among other reasons).

I seriously debated about just dropping it. I debated about it here on the forum, in fact. I felt like, "My kid is smart. I know this. Do I need to know more or is it ego?" eek

Well, in the end, I don't think it was ego. I learned a good bit of very useful info from the WISC about how he learns. And he did get the scores he needed for DYS. It's nice to be a part of that group. Socially especially, it has been a real boon.

I'm sure it helps that he tested well that second time. If he hadn't, I might feel less secure about our choices.

But I'd certainly recommend that you test if you think your child might be a DYS candidate. No question! There's absolutely nothing wrong with that!
