Thank you so much for your responses. They were so kind and thoughtful.

DS9 is not now in a full time public school - at his totally distressed request we pulled him out last year, so at the moment there are no teachers or administators mentioning diagnoses at us - though there were while he was in school, mostly ADHD.

My concern for him is that although is in an extrovert (my earlier description of learning on his own was probably due to lack of peers ...) and has never met a kid who wasn't his "friend" (truly) he is only truly attached to DH, DS6 and I. And it's like he's in a "bubble" when it comes to social cues.

We had him assessed at age 5 and was told "he's a nice, bright boy, maybe skip half of kindergarten" and put him at a total score of 128.

Well, this fall he scored in the median of 10th grade in the Math MAP and 7th grade in reading (down from much higher last year I think because the two tests were 5 minutes apart oops) and I'm thinking it would be helpful to have another assessment.

blather blather blather

I just want the best for him, you all know how that goes.

He did speculate the other day that black holes were causative in the spinning of galaxies. Does that make him exceptional? I have no idea - he's just my kid.

Last edited by Barbara; 01/04/09 10:21 AM.