Mite don't make Rite...chuckle.

The mentoring concept is marvo. Finding one is a bit complicated, imo, unless you live near a U or in a high funda city.

I'm wondering if we need to find one for general or should it be topic specific?

Not one of Mite's teachers is willing to sponsor him because they "just don't see it" (quoting 2 of them:^(. So, we have his neuropsychologist and chiropractor on his list. The chiropractor actually sensed Mite's intelligence the first days we met him when Mite was 6. Mite was looking at a stuffed horse that clicked and popped when you pushed on its spine and he lisped, "I'm going to name him 'Whiplath the Chiropractic Pony'. Get it? Whiplath becauth that'th what chiropractorth treat and whiplath becauth that'th what riderth do to hortheth." The chiropractor thought that was quite 'smart' and 'witty'.

It is strange who will sponsor and who won't. Teachers.....erg!!!

Willa Gayle