Yup. I did change my mind:^) 4th instead of 5th grade reading is the plan du moment. I'm thinking it will be an ego boost, and less work for momma while I figure other things out for him.

Again subject to change8^)

The only thing that is scaring me about the skipping is the twice exceptionality. He's going to have a struggle learning how to interact with a para scribe, learning to use an oral word processor and learning to use the organizational software programs they are going to use.

Actually, one of those programs is Kidspiration. I bought it 3 weeks ago; installed it and sat down with him to help him learn the program. It really seems designed to help a kid lay out one heading (this is a mind map program), then about 2-3 subheadings and maybe a couple lower. Mite spewed out 57 different subheadings and had a 7 layer mind map in the 1.5 hours we worked on it. Totally shocked me. The software didn't handle it well.

I sometimes think, go for the full grade skip except for math. I'm really strongly leaning towards homeschooling math. It goes really well with Mite and DH and they really seem to be bonding over it AND Mite is totally thrilled that he can go faster and at his own pace.

Oh and there is nothing meak about my advocating style. I'm actually an educator myself (early childhood special at that....hmmmmm think they would have listened to me when I said something was WRONG). So, I know I need to keep communications open, but be strong in my advocacy. Sometimes it makes me nuts...all the fragile eggshell egos I have to tiptoe around. But, so far, rapport is good. They don't know they are making me nuts:^)

Mite is a January birth. So, he's middle of the road.

Willa Gayle