The math chair needs to learn more about giftedness (but I wouldn't tell him that). If he wants to know if you are gifted in math (and therefore should be accelerated in math), there is a test called TOMAGS that my DD's (age 8) school gave her to see if she should be accelerated in math. I assume it's not only for elementary age. It is not an achievement test like a final exam is - it is a test of math giftedness. Then they gave her the current year's end-of-unit tests to see if she had any major learning gaps. DD8 scored in 99th percentile (95th in gifted population) and didn't have many learning gaps for her current year's content. So they decided to skip her to 4th grade math. I should mention that if they had found SOME learning gaps, it wouldn't have changed their decision - it would have meant that they would have done some 3rd grade math in addition to her 4th grade math this year.

I don't know a lot about SAT testing, but you're in good hands with everyone here, so I'm confident your scores should help your case.

Also, it's never too late to accelerate by subject, so don't give up on making the change this school year. I'm quite impressed that you are advocating for yourself - I don't think my DD8 will ever advocate for herself.

I hope you get the challenge you're wanting!