Wow, that is so disappointing, but I am sorry to say that I'm not surprised. Many private schools avoid accepting students who require any kind of special treatment.

It is probably for the best that you found out early that the teachers were not supportive of your son.

We found out the hard way last year when we had DS enrolled early in a private K. The K teacher said she was willing, but actually she didn't really want to do it. What happened was that she consistently excluded him from activities by telling him that he "wasn't really in Kindergarten because he wasn't five years old". He thought he wasn't allowed to use the computer in the classroom because he "wasn't really in Kindergarten."

When he didn't know how to do something, instead of teaching him she would tell him it was "too hard" and that he should skip it. So either he knew how to do something already or it was "too hard". He also learned that he could get out of doing any work by saying it was "too hard." I could just strangle her when I think about it! Be glad that your son avoided this kind of treatment.

I don't remember what state you live in, but here in CA there is the option to enroll in cyberschool (California Virtual Academy). This looks like a great way to get started homeschooling and offers placement options based on a placement test. There may be something like that available to you. I think K12 offers an online program as well.
