I went over the levels of giftedness and I believe he is a Level 4. I'm not real sure of maybe 2 of the milestones though, I wish i had kept better record. I have written about 5 journal entry's since he was born, so it's hard to be exactly sure. And of course i wont know what he's like at 4,5,6,or seven for a while.
It's crazy, my guess before the past day or so all was level one! Thanks for that link!
Some things i didn't know to do, like although I'm SURE he isn't level 5 or anything, but it says they could do puzzles before 12 months. He didn't even own a puzzle before twelve months, I wouldn't have thought to give him one. Their are a few questions like that, where he never had the opportunity to know the things, like I never even thought to tell him about colors before about 15 months. Well, other than through reading to him. I have read a lot to him since the day he was born. I wonder about the effects of things like that. If It makes a lot of difference how the parents worked with a child, or read to a child. We go to the library every week and have been as long as I can remember. I'm always at my limit number of books checked out. I bet if more parents read more to their children, they'd all be lots smarter. no?
Thanks for the ideas about older Dr. Seuss and the books on tape, I hadn't thought of that. As a matter of fact my husband and I enjoy Harry Potter books and were reading the last book for a few days aloud, to each other. He handed me the book the other day and asked me to read it, I just shrugged it off. Maybe he was actually kind of enjoying it? Wanting to hear more? I don't know some things like that had never entered my mind. Like listening to audio books of the Oz series. I just have no idea of possibilities of his interests.
I did let him check out 2 non fiction books the other day, both out of the norm for his age, and he loved them! One was about trains throughout history, an eye witness, and the other about planets, and the earth, that answered questions like why do we have night and day, and many things i thought would make him board for me to read to him, He loved it, and wanted me to read both of them every night! SOrry, I'm going on and on, but, I"m figuring him out as I talk. Gosh thank you for everything. I just feel like I'm recieving so much help so I can understand him! THank you so, so much!
Now i just have to convince my husband, he says "Every parent thinks their child is gifted". He's the one that carries the gifted genes...definatly not me, so maybe that is why if feels normal to him, the way Andrew is?