This is definitely not the best district in the area (there are two much wealthier towns south of us whose districts are supposed to be better and are also way more crowded) but it is supposed to be the best school in our particular district. I don't think it has a higher percentage of gifted kids in it than anywhere else though.

When ds was in kindergarten in the school closest to my house, I was told to take him to the school he is in now because it has a full time gifted teacher and is one of the only schools to do anything with gifted kids before third grade.

What I'm realizing though is that their gifted program doesn't really have that much to offer my son. And what it does have to offer, the GT teacher is being told not to offer to ds anyway because "there won't be anything left."

Oh, yeah, it also seems that, since they have a gifted program in place, they are less willing to believe that they aren't meeting his needs.

Last edited by jeni; 11/20/08 07:29 PM. Reason: to add the last bit