I was dead average on the autism quiz... but then I took the ADHD quiz and wandered away in the middle.... wink I don't even remember my (eventual) score because that was yesterday and by the time I came back to it I'd completely forgotten where I had the link from, but suffice it to say it was pretty darn high.

But given how much of that intervening time I spent thinking about whether my general tendency to say "definitely" more often than not was a factor in both my "not autistic" and "oh look something shiny" results, and whether that was taken into account in the design of the quizzes or if maybe they could be completely wrong, or if that should bear out in the statistics anyway, and just how well were they tested, and how many ways could you have a correlation of either one that didn't prove to be diagnostic.... I don't think I even need to take the OCD quiz. wink
