Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Well, I'd better warn you. Turns out i'm also borderline ADHD (at least that's what psych central says). Don't know how that will factor into your decision...

Oh - and I'm curious if anyone answered "not at all" to this question on the ADHD quiz, or if anyone wondered why uninteresting and difficult are shoved together? My thoughts were "Oh no - i *love* uninteresting things - i think why, how uninteresting! tell me more!":

1. At home, work, or school, I find my mind wandering from tasks that are uninteresting or difficult.

I just PMd 'Neato that I think some of that ADD quiz penalizes moms.

Do any of us finish everything we start? Avoid being bothered by minor annoyances (that happen over and over and over all day long...)? Are any of us not always on the go to extracurriculars and playdates?

I'm calling it parental-onset ADD, and I bet it subsides when the kids go to college. wink
