Chris: That web site is really cool. The physlets are completely awesome. I did the steering the boat to get ice cream, and it was fantastic. Thanks for the link!!

Does anyone know how to post a file that others can download? I could post a sample file of "physics for poets" test questions, if anyone was interested. That would let you know what the average, non-scientist, college student knows and understands about physics, which is painfully little. (one student couldn't do a simple test question about seasons because they didn't know where Australia was???) I also have a file that describes how to build an electronic rooster from Snap Circuits that people here might like. It uses a simple photodetector to trigger an alarm... When the sun comes up, i.e. light shines on it, the alarm will go off. I would love to share, but don't know how? frown

Mom to DS12 and DD3