This is where I go back to what I am going to start spouting as the 'bible' since everyone refers to it ... yep Ruf. pg 163 children designated as level 4 b/c they didn't manfest abilities across all of the domains. I understand what you are saying Kriston about PG in one area but that still totals to level 4 overall according to my understanding of Ruf's definition.

As I write this I realize I am starting to beat the dead horse into the ground and its hoofs are sticking out, but I am trying to fully grasp the levels and this child was an example for me to try to do just that. And again we are getting the cliff notes on her... as far as we know she might be rote counting and counting, knows her shapes, colors etc., but since her reading is so off the charts that is what the media is focusing on. But for the sake of this argument let's say she is only into reading and has not mastered the other domains ... if that is the case than she would be PG+ in that area but a level 4 overall.