I have to say I went out to the link before reading the rest of the posts but find what I am about to say echoes a lot of what has been discussed for the most part.

1. Absolutely adorable kid, but I really do not understand the need to put her in front of the media. They are setting themselves up for some serious issues later on and I cringe at the thought of having my child made into a circus act. I do have to admit that the interviews were done in a tasteful manner and okay you might argue the looking for like-minded children but I and everyone else was able to do so without involving the media. In this same thought process, if their argument was looking for advise or similar children than I would assume that they had not come across the gifted blogs, but by what I read they clearly had if the father was posting to some strings back during the first interview.

2. level of giftedness - my question since I read someone refer to her as clearly PG+. All we have seen on the interviews is the reading factor and of course the puzzle that no one was talking about. Does anyone know if she is mathematical as well? Because correct me if I am wrong here, but my understanding is to be level 5 a child has to have developed in both categories. HG+ and EG+ are the kids that show strengths in reading or math, but not necessarily both, right?