I had a basic question to throw out there. Has anyone ever followed the school curriculum, i.e. using the same science books used in the local school? I just scouted out home-schooling science curriculum on google and was disappointed. Most of it does not follow our state's academic content and was of dubious content from an challenging/in-depth point of view. So I was curious if you could just buy the text book that the school is using and teach your kid at home. They would be assured to have received the same basic lesson plans as the equivalent kids in school. But you could tailor the pace of the material to match the gifted kid's needs. You could even choose to supplement the material in an effort to cover it in greater depth, which sounds heavenly! An understanding school system might even have a few extra books that you could maybe "rent" from them? <okay, that one might be wishful thinking!>

Has anyone ever gone that route before? Or do most people choose to buy packaged curriculum?

Mom to DS12 and DD3