well.... me ending up as a working artist was something I sort of fell into. I have taught art to k-college and beyond....lol

I had a pretty cool part time adjuct job at a college, but had to quit to stay home with ds7. He went to a daycare for a week and got the roto virus and the flu (type A... the killer flu).... at the end of the week they told us in a nice way that he wasn't fitting in. He cried the entire time he was there.

So, a friend of mine drove an hour twice a week and baby sat until the end of the semester and I quit.....

I had to make money......... I started making and selling paintings on-line. I do have an advanced degree in art, but I really never thought I would make a living at it. I didn't think it was possible. It was the only thing I could think of to do and make money at home.

Cut to 5 1/2 years later.... this is still sort of what I do. I just started the graphics thing but it's going well, i can see it turning into a money maker.