Originally Posted by st pauli girl
This is interesting to learn what all of you familiar posters do for a living. I will chime in as being another one who never knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. I switched majors in college from theater to architecture to french (because I discovered I had enough credits to graduate with a french major). I worked in hospital labs for awhile, went to law school for some reason, hated "real" lawyering, and now I'm a SAHM with DS4. I do some editing of legal texts on the side, and lately i'm a professional costume maker. smile

What a cool thread.

San54 I wish I could have a cup o' joe with you. We think DD is the next Shirley Temple, complete with curls, dimple and dancing. Loves the limelight.

joysoup - I wish I was a working artist. In my dreams.

Kriston - how cool you are writing and working towards publishing. Another of my plans, in creative nonfiction and biographies.

St. Pauli Girl, I'm a little like you. I majored in natural resources, then business management, and finally got my BA in english (in 4 years). Hated the rote aspects of my business class and couldn't bear to give up writing persuasive papers in english. Went on to get a job in mental health and eventually get my masters in social work. The admissions director told me, "this is the highest math GRE score we've ever seen." If it was the school of rocket science, I'd be impressed with myself. Even so, I wondered if I should have taken my father's advice and majored in engineering like all my forefathers. Several years of cancer malarky and my HG and PG doctors said I'm like a 3rd year resident in oncology for all I've learned. They asked me for my research as I walked into every appt.

Anyway, I'm a SAHM with a blog and fantasies and aspirations in the arts.