
Those are excellent questions, and to be completely honest, I really don't know. She is a very mature 8 year old. Although she certainly loves to play and do the typical things an 8 year old does, due to her maturity level, she sometimes does not relate to some of the kids. For this reason, I don't think it would be unreasonable to see her in a higher grade.

I'm sure this is a typical theme, but I don't want to push her "too hard", but don't want her to stagnate either. Sure wish I had a crystal ball about now.....Do you have one you could spare ?

In regards to raw data, she took her WISC IV for the GT testing, but I don't have the entire breakdown(I think there are 10 sections, I beleive). Otherwise, she just has her standard report cards/grades. Currently, she is being assigned additional spelling words/reading/assignments in an attempt to challenge her(at least the teacher is acknowledging her talent). But her math is far to simplistic for her.

What I am really looking for are some suggestions for action plans/suggestions or particular key points that helped others in helping their children in similar situations.