Typically,in most Buddhist countries monks are expected to eat whatever they are given on their alms rounds. So if they are given meat they eat it. They certainly would not kill the animal themselves and they should discourage someone else from killing an animal for them. The rules for lay people are even more relaxed.

I think regardless of whether one eats meat or not, the true spirit of Buddhism is to be appreciative of the lives that are sacrificed to make our meals possible. I think that sometimes that reverence will naturally lead to the desire to minimize life-taking and therefore becoming a vegetarian might be the next most logical step.

I really like this line of thinking.

OK, straying off topic here, but I'm curious. What do Buddhists think about modern medicine (specifically, taking antibiotics/antiviruses/chemicals to kill bacteria/viruses/cancer)?

I love this line of thinking too, always taking it to the next level. smile