Our 7 year old boy (2nd grade, public school) scored almost 100% in the Visual Spatial subset of the WISC-5. No full scale score because he didn’t want to finish the test. He has no learning disabilities or ADHD. He is amazing with math and ok with reading. Ideally the school would challenge him with Math and help him with reading but the class is too big.
I’m highly educated and can easily satisfy his curiosity and exploration with projects we do together at home (STEM, electrical and mechanical engineering, etc.). However, I suspect that his emotional development and well being is at risk as long as he is going to a school that doesn’t cater to gifted children. Even if he got an IEP, the “bones” of the school are the same. My intuition is that being around other gifted kids and teachers who specialize in giftedness can make a difference. But how big of a difference? Can anyone with a gifted child share their experience of NOT sending their child to a gifted school? Do you regret it?