Well interesting thread. I can address one part. Finance. You know that even humans are relying on all those data banks. Not just AI now and future. Bad data has always been an issue. Even organizing the data. And the problem in finance, data can be very complicated and resist against the one size fits all categorization. AI may be able better able to distinquish the odd bits and clean the data and analyze it more effectively.

I think the biggest issue is middle management. That is where most the of the jobs will be lost. And it is interesting, because how do you go from low management to upper management without learning the skills in between? I remember needing knee surgery and my late husband, an anesthesiologist, told me to get someone in their early 40s, someone young enough to know the latest techniques, but old enough to have experience and does dozens per week. Does AI do away with all those middle guys, skills that are in their prime? I think that is the case. Though, most entry level jobs are expected to be lost also. Most top consulting firms rely on new blood to churn out reports that clients pay ridiculous fees for. I imagine that those reports can be churned out by machine far faster and more complete now. The trades are looking better and better as a skill set.