Kriston said it well and she raises a very valid point about trust.

Given a questioning mind, there is room for divergence and it can occur quickly.

We had a pastor who was fine at answering questions for the most part. But, one day, when I was 8, he talked about Darwin. I went and got a book on Darwin and started asking him questions about it. It did not help him that there was a huge outcropping of limestone rock with all kinds of fossils in it next to the Church. It became clear to me that he did not know Darwin, but talked a lot about it. I can clearly recall concluding in that Church parking lot that ANYTHING anyone told me was thereon suspect and should be examined and cross-correlated.

The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis can be used as well. They can lead to Lewis' biography and his essays on belief. Both his books and those of Tolkien deal with death and life and belief.