Somehow DS8 gravitates towards whatever activity he needs at the time. If he has been in school all day where the primary activity is other-directed time, then he seeks out solitary lego building when he comes home. It is almost as if he needs that down time to process all of the interactions and stimuli that he has encountered during the day. When he has had enough of his solo time, then he comes and finds me or he begins to notice that there are other kids outside playing up and down the street. I've also noticed that if he has been around a loud group of kids all day (say his horde of crazy cousins at a family event), then he goes off by himself for 45 minutes or so when we come home. He is an only child, though, so that may make a difference?

Kriston's point about limiting tv and computer time is critical though. We don't watch tv very much as a general rule. I allow educational video from the library, and occasional specials (last night was family movie night, for instance.), but the tv is usually off. I do believe that he would choose to come home from school and plop down in front of the tv, if that was an option. I have noticed that if he has been at his grandparents for a few days and has watch an overload of tv, then the self- directed play stops. It takes about three days for him to stop saying "I'm bored. I have nothing to do." and find the internal drive to go back to self playing.

I'm trying to think back to when he was younger if he could do this on his own or not? I'm not sure if it has an age component or not?

Did I answer your question at all? smile

Mom to DS12 and DD3