Ian, my DD is also 6 and has always had a strong drive towards lots of self-directed play. I notice it more evident like now, during school, wasn't as apparant during the summer.

She does pretty well at school. Behaves well, everyday after school she has snack and then goes up to her room to play with toys, playmobile stuff by herself.

I think we're getting into a nice pattern for her so she expects when she can and when she can't. I think a schedule is good, so she knows at these times during the day, you own these times and can make desicions about what you do, within reason of course.

I do give my children a lot of leeway and allow them to make more independent decisions than I see most parents in my neighborhood, school, etc doing.

I don't know if that's the right or wrong. I can tell you I have had comments on it! So far it's right for us.

Last edited by incogneato; 08/30/08 06:58 AM. Reason: clarity