Thank you for the feedback! This sounds accurate to how I experience my learning.
I think for me there are unanswered questions. Mainly I would have liked to have been given more information at the time I was tested. I would have liked to have had more concrete answers as to what she was implying I had, which was very likely NVLD. Whether or not I had traits of it or I have a diagnosis (though I've heard these aren't formally diagnosable?). I do remember her making an offhand comment that this was relative to me, my non verbal scores weren't low they were just average but that is not what she would hope to expect in someone with my verbal comprehension typically. I think if I could see my original reports I would have my answers. I also agree on my need to pick more challenging courses, I have a tendency to not challenge myself initially only to have realized I made a mistake. I do honestly feel like not accelerating kind of messed me up, I feel like I'm in my early 20's and I'm only now gaining a work ethic