MsFriz, aquinas and Dude, have any of you ever checked out Paula Prober's "Your Rainforest Mind" blog? I have been reading some of her posts lately and they really resonate with me.
I have read Paula Prober's book and even gave my sister a copy for Christmas, since she tends to suffer from imposter syndrome and doesn't see herself as gifted. Prober tries to avoid the loaded "g" word, so her stuff tends to go down easier with people who, for whatever reason, aren't comfortable with that label.
I think Paula Prober's stuff is most helpful when you're ready to throw in the towel and embrace mediocrity. When everyone around you is saying, for example, "Why can't you just accept what
is instead of focusing on what ought to be?" Paula Prober is there to reassure you that there's nothing wrong with aiming higher, even if it makes the people around you very uncomfortable--and not because aiming higher is intrinsically better, but because wanting to do so is an intrinsic part of your personality. She gives you permission to be yourself in situations where most people would try to explain why and how you need to be somebody else.